Re: Date Format with month names in genitive case - your opinions?

Thanks for your clarification, Tom. What you wrote is exactly
what I meant. See also more comments below:

20.04.2017 13:05 Tom Tryfonidis <tomtryf gmail com> wrote:
 I have a feeling that the use of nominative and genitive cases on the topic
is the main reason for misunderstandings. We need to focus whether we should
use %B for "full date" form or not, as this is the common factor for all
languages now.

 Greek translations (i assume other affected languages too) already use %B for
"full date" form, and a proposed solution to use %B for the "standalone" form
will create an unneeded regression for these languages.
That's true: "%B" is used because there is no better format
specifier. And this produces the nominative case because there
is no way to generate the genitive case. The same in many
other languages.

 So, to make things easier for everyone, i agree that it would be better to
use %B for "full date" form and %OB for "standalone" form (the chances to use
the alternative %OB format for the affected languages are low and limited only
to specific use cases, e.g. GNOME Calendar uses standalone form for
Week/Month/Year views).
Of course, there will be a (hopefully) limited number of applications
which will need minor fixes and I'm already preparing patches for
them even if it is too early:

- to prove that the number of the applications is low,
- to prove that the changes are minor,
- to provide the fix for what I might potentially break,
- to let the people see the result already.



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