Re: Wheeled Mouse

On Wed, Aug 05, 1998 at 08:08:13PM +0100, Bruce Stephens wrote:
> Reklaw <> writes:
> > Want a taste of eight-way scrolling, use the gimp. Get scrollbars on
> > your pic a drag the middle(2nd) button to scroll around the
> > picture. It is so much more useful a wheel.
> Sure, in the Gimp.  But having the wheel work in XEmacs and Netscape,
> for example, is really handy.  It's handy in rxvt occasionally, too:
> if my hand't on the mouse anyway, it's often easier to scroll using
> the wheel than to find the scrollbar.  Up and down scrolling is more
> common than 2-dimensional scrolling, and it makes sense to offer
> support for hardware that recognises that.
> I find the help viewer, convenient thought it is, much less
> comfortable than Netscape, mostly because it doesn't support scrolling
> with the wheel.  Its manpage viewing is just horrible compared to
> tkman, but even so it would be improved by wheel scrolling.
> -- 
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For the last time, I agree we should the wheel. But support the middle as
an eight way scroller. If the app only supports 2-way scrolling (like rxvt)
then 8-way would still work.
Reklaw - I code therefore I need beer.

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