what to do with edit-menus app


I finally have this edit-menus mini-app to "demo" status. It permits
editing "start menu" type menus, i.e. a tree of name-icon-command
triples (plus separators and other complications). So far it can read
and generate icewm menu files.

Available at:

I'm wondering if people think this is generally useful; I don't know
if it duplicates something that already exists (in particular I
haven't compiled the panel/mico lately). I don't really want to clone
the Dotfile Generator, probably it would be nicer to have some general
"start menu" functions that could be used by Gnome apps directly to
get a menu tree or menu widget, and edit-menus to configure the menu
tree, and then have a separate gnome2icewm that would read the Gnome
settings and dump them to a config file (or just patch icewm to use the
gnome functions).

Any interest in something like that? Other stuff I could do with this
app to make it useful? If not I'm going to let this remain an
educational experience and move on to something else. :)

Thanks for any feedback.

Havoc Pennington

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