Re: should I upgrade ?

Thanks for you answers (to both of you).

May I ask for some explanations ?
David Ford <> writes:

> On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Richard Hult wrote:
> > I think you are a bit confused ;) First, glibc2 and glibc2.1 are binary
> > compatible. Second, gnome is dynamically linked, and will happily use
> > the glibc2 that you happen to have. It should work with glibc2.1 as
> > well, because of the binary compatibility.
> > 
Well, this has been concern from people on the list.

> > I have the gnome 1.0 rpms installed and most things work, but there are
> > a few screwups.

With which glibc library ? Do the rpms dependancies  require 2.1 to be installed ?

> I suggest you wait until there are new packages out
> > that fixes those problems (some with control-center and maybe some
> > more).
> Not so.  2.1 breaks a few programs.  They show up by either segfaulting or
> failing valid crypt() for user authentication or one of a few other ops.
> Notably, cucipop, proftpd, and sendmail are likely to exhibit wounds after
> going from 2.0 to 2.1.
> Simply recompile your apps that break.

Again, with which library 2.0 or 2.1 ? Do I have to go to 2.1 ?

Thanks for your advice


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