Re: [gnome-love] Doc Links [was: Re: [gnome-love]Wow.]

The GNOME developer docs are intermittant in quality and coverage.  You
will find that some docs are good, some are bad, some are obsolete, and
some don't exist yet.  (Hopefully some people on this list can help to
improve the situation.)  We hope to have all the developer documentation
updated well in advance of the GNOME 2.0 release.  Nonetheless, there is a
fair amount of good documentation to help you get started...

For an overview of the architecture, look here:

For various documents, look here:

What I would personally highly recommend to anybody getting started
hacking on GNOME is George Lebl's tutorials he wrote for IBM
DeveloperWorks.  You can find them here:

If that link gives you trouble, most of them are linked from here:

API docs are here:

And I'll repeat the book links for completeness, even though Miguel
already gave it:

And if you are interested in non-hacking projects, the documentation for
various GNOME projects can be found in each of the project pages:

Oh yeah - and if you want to contribute but you aren't sure what is the
right thing for you, look at:

Happy reading.  And once you get things figured out, consider writing some
developer documentation yourself.


The documentation found at ibm by George was GREAT(!!!!!), to bad only
of them were download'able in some kind of format like pdf.

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