Re: [gnome-love] New feature

[As an aside: Back in 1987 RISC OS had a panel (Task Bar) and windowing
system very similar to GNOME's today, and way before W95 came out with
similar stuff (remember this is in the days of W3.1).  We share some
philosophies and I think it would be worth it for some GNOME UI people
check out the RISC OS Styleguide.]
Can you give us some URLs?
Some random links from Google are listed below.  Many more are available by
performing simple searches.  As previously mentioned I believe there is much
of value in RISC OS' GUI that we can make use of in GNOME.

Some general info and a few screenshots from some user's site:

More GUI-design-centric info: (Be sure to follow the links to projects to
build RISC OS-like GUIs for Unix under "The Future" at the bottom of the

A few additional sites for screenshots etc: [See RISC OS 4 Screenshots]  [German but has screenshots
including one demonstrating drag-saves]

The RISC OS Styleguide:
I couldn't find the Styleguide online but I have a print copy that's a few
years old (yet has some good stuff in it).  I will send it to the first
person who emails me back and who will take a genuine look at it to try and
find those things of value to the GNOME project.

Pre-styleguide guidelines (i.e. quite old now but still has a few things of

Luke Hutchison.

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