Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] [Fwd: Re: URL bugs?]

Le lun 02/06/2003 à 11:25, Miguel Rodríguez a écrit :
> That is the same as sayting that browsers have a "browsers url" because
> they accept locations without the protocol part.

Not at all. If you don't put the "http" part, it will add it for you,
but it won't fix your URL for you if it thinks the URL is incorrect.
That seems very illogical to me to transform an URL without a prefix
into another URL with prefix h323: but modified...

Doing what you propose is just the same as defaulting to callto btw...

> For instance, if you have a "mymother" entry in your addressbook, typing
> "mymother" in the location bar should be enough for GM, and it should
> try "h323:whatever".

Right, that's speed dials, but that is different, it doesn't transform a
broken H323 URL into a correct H323 URL. Of course I can slightly break
the RFC and tell to people that in GM the "@" is optionnal in H323 URLs,
but I don't like it even though it is a 1 line code change in GMURL.

> > - the location bar always begins with "h323:" by default, so users are
> > unlikely to delete the h323: part.
> This has an obvious easy fix ;)

If we do so, people will ignore GM supports callto and h323...

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> Gnomemeeting-devel-list mailing list
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 _	Damien Sandras
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