Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Do you like smileys?

Am Mit, 2003-10-01 um 19.01 schrieb Rodney Dawes:
> I was asking if your code handled the case where it would turn text that
> was not supposed to be a smiley, into one, rather than the specific case
> of :0. For instance, I don't want (48) to end up being (4<smiley>
> either.
I agree that in any case, smileys in places where they are not intended
to be are really annoying. I know this problem from when I used trillian
on Windows. This leads me to my question: do we really need smileys? I
personally don't like them because I always get the feeling that a
program is messing with what I write. Of course I respect if people like
them because they're fancy. But this can only mean that
smiley-recognition and replacement should be optional, don't you think?

Apart from that: I would bet that there's no single regexp that is
perfect. I believe that you can definitely always construct cases where
a regexp will fail to "smiley-fy" a text.


P.S.: I really hate if {:-) is something else than me with a straw hat.
{<graphical smiley> looks ridiculous, right? ;-)

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