Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Failed to load avcodec_set_print_fn

Once upon a time Sunday 13 June 2004 11:44 pm, Rajil Saraswat wrote:

> The faq says that "We do not provide help for setups where Netmeeting is
> installed in your LAN, it is far more complicated than with GnomeMeeting as
> you have no control over ports." and microsoft's website says that "Pass
> through secondary UDP connections on dynamically assigned ports
> (1024-65535). "
> Under these circumstances and those rules, is it Netmeeting<>internal GM
> still expected to run?

Yes it is.  they do need to install the MS-GSM codec  and make sure they have 
there video settings as appropriate for there  and your internet connections.  
however this is user related and not development related  a better place for 
this discussion is gnomemeeting-list


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