Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Strange noise with one provider

Hi again,

Damien Sandras wrote:
>>Some additional information: the quality sipgate->Ekiga is ok, but
>>Ekiga->sipgate sounds like a robot/distorted. To make it clearer: I hear
>>the remote side clearly as it is supposed to be, but they have a hard
>>time understanding me.
> Complain to sipgate... Really, I don't see how it could be an ekiga
> problem :-/

last night I tried again and also played around with DMIX. I completely
removed my DMIX settings as it was activated by default since ALSA 1.09
(or was it 1.10?). It turned out that the default settings were - at
least for my soundcard (intel8x0) - crap.

I created a new .asoundrc and tried a few different buffer settings. In
combination with the echo cancellation (I had cracking noises without) I
have almost perfect quality when I talk over sipgate now.

I didn't have a chance yet to try with another X-Lite peer since then,
so I cannot comment on Thomas' observation (yet).


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