Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Crash at startup / getting debug backtraces

Hi Thomas,

first, could you please stop to CC me, I do read the ML I post to unless
I state otherwise.

> > where do you take that insight from? Due to the fact that the snaps do
> > build an unstrippted "opt" version rather than the "debug" version?
> > The "release" version would be libopal-2.2.0 and libpt-1.10.0...
> > 
> from the filename of the bt.

mmh, AFAIK 1.11.0 and 2.3 are ok for CVS HEAD. Phobos should become
1.10.0 and 2.2.0 when it's ready and is right now at 1.9.3 and 2.1.3.
Thus, no indication for "release" here.

> > 
> >>for the debug snapshots make sure (debian) that LD_LIBRARY_PATH or so 
> >>contains /usr/lib/debug added.
> > 
> > 
> > No need, that files there are external debug symbols, not libs. I.e gdb
> > will use them transparently, no need to poke around
> > 
> not here, gdb doesnt use them. gdb env settings to adjust?

At least in Debian it uses it straight away. I.e. all /usr/lib/$FILE
will be mapped to /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/$FILE to find its debug info.
If that's not the case for your distro, then complain there.

> what tweaking? a few weeks before make debug worked here fine.

My point was that my Debian/Ubuntu snapshots do use the "opt" target
with a hack to not strip the produced libs, so i can grab the debug
symbols from there. The point in having the debug version is of course
to be having more debug output, yet the libname does change. Thus that
part of my debian/rules would fail which is expecting the filename
without the I'm not entirely sure if I haven't even worked
around that, so that it *might* just work, but well.. ;)

> should i patch the Makefile with a make deb_install section?

No. There is Debian sources and they do work nicely. Bringing this even
more upstream than what we are doing just right now is not having any
benefit. More or less, we're currently cleaning up the last remaining
leftovers, so that all 3 libs (pwlib, openh323, opal) can be shipped
mostly out-of-the-box.

> and the Makefile variable override works, too.

That one i didn't doubt. Whether I agree to use it like that is
something else. But if it solves your problem, then it's fine with
me. ;)

Best regards,

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