Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] win32 build issues

Kilian Krause wrote:
> Hi Michael,
>>thank you for your answer. I agree our setups are very different, you with a 
>>chrooted sid and me with a home made and HOME-located crosscompiler. 
>>Nevertheless, the only obstacle which I can imagine separates us, is the make 
>>depend bahaviour of openldap which does not respect any include arguments for 
>>finding regex.h, at least in my environment. It was this regex which made me 
>>start editing your Makefile, and then I couldn't stop. One might consider 
>>regex as fairly established and not subject to frequent changes. So one could 
>>install it as root every now and then and forget about it in the Makefile.

falled back to your latest ekiga_build.

libiconv: ovh mirror broken, i use heanet.

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