Re: linking against multiple *mm libraries

> I am trying to build a modified example from libpanelappletmm, and I
> get some strange linking errors. The example, which is a simple gnome
> panel applet, is extended to include a derived class of
> Gnome::Bonobo::Window.
> The problem is that I cannot link against libpanelappletmm-2.6
> libbonobouimm-2.0 and libnonobomm-2.0 at the same time.

No, because the 2.0 stuff is meant to be separate to the 2.6 stuff. They
install in parallel so that they can exist on the same computer for
different appplications, but you can't use them both in the same
application. You shouldn't need to.

> To use Gnome::Panel::Applet it is necessary to use "pkg-config
> --cflags libpanelappletmm-2.6" while compiling and "pkg-config --libs
> libpanelappletmm-2.6" while linking.
> To use Gnome::Bonobo::Window it is necessary to use "pkg-config
> --cflags libbonobouimm-2.0" libbonobomm-2.0" while compiling and
> "pkg-config --libs libbonobouimm-2.0" libbonobomm-2.0" while linking.

You need to use libbonobouimm-2.6 (which would be in
libbonobouimm-2.5.*.tar.gz tarballs until it is API-stable). But there
don't seem to be any tarball releases of that yet. You should bug the
maintainer if he doesn't respond here.


Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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