Re: Gnumeric 1.0.12 crash while sorting, file corruption

On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 09:23:08AM -0400, Jacob Smullyan wrote:
Gnumeric 1.0.12 (on Gentoo Linux) just crashed, apparently while
sorting a table,
and the file is now unopenable -- Gnumeric puts up a little notice
saying that it is not an OLE file, "Sorry, the Management".

I'd be less piteous about this, except that it was my wife's file,
with several hours of work in it :-<.

I'm interested at the moment in trying to get the data out of this
file.  Looking at it with hexdump shows that the file is not
completely scrambled; it seems to have a lot of real data in it.  (It
was an .xls file.) But I know nothing about the .xls format.  Does
anyone have any pointers about how I might be able to get real data
out of this file?

If anyone is interested in looking at the actual file -- it isn't
large -- I can send it off list.  (It contains some address
information, so I'd rather not post it.)
Send me a copy and I'll have a look.  The fact that its non-empty is

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