Re: gtk_clist_moveto problem

Haven't used those commands yet, but I think ifyou freeze the list, it stops items from being added to the list, thus might interfer with moveing items as well. Hopefulling someone else will know the answer.

pasp wrote:

Hello list!

I've created clist widget placed within a ScrolledWindow widget and filled with 64 items.. it's look nice, 

Why the following code:

   gtk_clist_freeze (GTK_CLIST(clistbox));
   gtk_clist_moveto(GTK_CLIST(clistbox), 28, -1, 0.0, 0.0);
   gtk_clist_select_row(GTK_CLIST(clistbox), 28, -1);
   gtk_clist_thaw (GTK_CLIST(clistbox));

doesn't move 28th item on top clist ?


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