Re: optimizing drawing to drawing_area

Thanks for your reply... I was just wondering what the difference between building a pixmap and building an RGB buffer internally is... because the way I do it now, I build the pixmap and then display it all at once on the drawing area. Thanks,


On 2002.04.09 02:57 Taura Milana wrote:
On 2002.04.08 21:21 Rok Roskar wrote:
> I am drawing a large array of data (1024x1024) to a drawing_area and it

> seems to be really slow. Is there any way to optimize it? I first read
> the
> data into an array and then create the pixmap pixel by pixel... then I
> draw the entire pixmap to the drawing area at once. Any ideas?

If you use GDK RGB buffers, then you can internally
blit your 1024x1024 buffer in local memory then send
it all at once (or just a rectangular area) to the
GtkDrawingArea's GdkWindow.

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
-Capt. Taura M.             ,   O=__                    --X--
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OMNOUMmnne.                  {OMMNNNEEEEOO=_
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