Re: autoconf/automake for detecting whether GNOME is installed

Then what happens if a user installs KDE and/or GNOME later? They should not have to recompile the application when it doesn't actually depend on KDE or GNOME but merely because of an application file. Instead of automatically detecting, perhaps you should put a configure/Makefile option to disable desktop files for either KDE or GNOME so you don't penalize people who want the desktop file there if they install KDE/GNOME later.
Morten Brix Pedersen wrote:

* Ari Pollak <compwiz aripollak com> [2002-07-17 00:30:04]:

I don't think there's really any problem with installing a .desktop entry even if GNOME2 is installed - especially since most piece of software are installed via a distribution's packaging system.

I had a request from a KDE user who asked to not have the GNOME .desktop
file installed on his system when compiling from source.

The big picture is that I want to install the .desktop file in the KDE
dirs on KDE systems, and in the GNOME dir on GNOME dirs.

  - Morten.

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  / _ | / _ \   Ari Pollak - ari aripollak com -
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