2002-July Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[no subject],
[no subject],
Is g_locale_to_utf8 broken ?,
can't find gtk+2,
Martin Muellenberg
gtk scrolled window scrollbar button size,
Tom v Klinken
GHashTable Leak.,
GtkTreeView clearing,
Mark Humphreys
Displaying only some rows in a GtkListStore,
Keith Sharp
Looking for kind of filtering row displaying in a tree.,
Search in GtkTreeView,
getting started with GTK(2)...,
Kristian Rink
Calling a module with a gpointer to data.,
Jim Parker
Convert text to utf8 more then 2-4 times freezes the application,
HELP! I can no longer maintain my Gnome apps,
Austin Shaw Hall
Changing color for a peculiar GtkCellRendererText,
Julien Portalier
Error in gtk_text_buffer_insert()?,
Matthew Walker
switch_page signal,
Michal ROMAN
copy array,
HTML browser,
GTK2: Character conversion problem...,
Janus N.
Getting tokens as a "raw" string with GScanner,
Tilman Sauerbeck
List Store,
vpaned and size,
pixmap and png..background,
geometry calculation delayed until ... when?,
Frank Cusack
using multiple widgets in a callback,
Jeffrey Goddard
off topic question,
Jeffrey Goddard
int -> char (label)...,
Pango and text handling in GTK+.,
Zenith Lau
Re: Label on a button,
Harring Figueiredo
problem with stock icons,
Can't access the online FAQ!,
get datas from entries...,
UTF handling functions,
Jeffrey Goddard
Changing color of GtkFixed.,
Rokicki, Andrew
Problem with gtk_item_factory_get_widget,
jean-marc Harang
combo boxes,
Ronald Roth
Gtk Pixmap and png,
GTK+2 for Zaurus?,
Fabio Rotondo
GTK+2.0 memory footprint,
Petro Verheuvel
closing window,
Michal ROMAN
Documentation for GtkTreeView,
Felix Natter
GtkTreeView sorting problem,
Robert Homann
using themes for my app?!,
gdk color on a clist foreground,
Wayne Davis
Johnathan Wang
GTK2: GTKWindow events,
Fabio Rotondo
gtk_text_iter_starts_sentence prob,
Martin Muellenberg
Regular fonts --> Italic fonts in widgets,
Configure.in ang GTK 2,
Gobject Parent Errors,
gdk_pixbuf_render_to_drawable_alpha & segault...,
[gtk-app-devel-list] GtkObjects used as plug-ins,
Thierry FLORAC
CList in dialog,
Jim Parker
RE: Compile & MySql questions,
Gautier . Rich
Re: Compile and MySql questions,
Jeffrey Goddard
Widget Updates,
Francisco Sant'Anna
gtk_widget_modify_font not working,
Sean Davey
GtkTextBuffer, insert_text,
Mohammed Sameer
- Re: GtkTextBuffer, insert_text,
Rich Gautier
- Tutorial error in 2.5 - explanation,
Rich Gautier
- Re: GtkTextBuffer, insert_text,
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Fw: GtkTextBuffer, insert_text,
Rich Gautier
- Re: Fw: GtkTextBuffer, insert_text,
Mohammed Sameer
- Re: Fw: GtkTextBuffer, insert_text - Solved,
Mohammed Sameer
- gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Pablo Fischer
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Pablo Fischer
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Mohammed Sameer
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Pablo Fischer
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
David Odin
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Rich Gautier
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Mohammed Sameer
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Pablo Fischer
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Roland Smith
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Pablo Fischer
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Roland Smith
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Pablo Fischer
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Pablo Fischer
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Ari Pollak
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Pablo Fischer
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Ari Pollak
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Pablo Fischer
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Roland Smith
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Ari Pollak
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Pablo Fischer
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Roland Smith
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Pablo Fischer
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Mohammed Sameer
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Pablo Fischer
- gtk_image_new_from_file (question),
Pablo Fischer
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Pablo Fischer
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Mohammed Sameer
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Pablo Fischer
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
jean-marc Harang
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Allin Cottrell
- Re: gtk 1.2 to 2.0,
Pablo Fischer
- UTF8 Warning,
Pablo Fischer
- Re: UTF8 Warning,
James M. Cape
- MakeFile for GTK2,
Pablo Fischer
- Re: MakeFile for GTK2,
Ari Pollak
- Re: MakeFile for GTK2,
Pablo Fischer
- Re: MakeFile for GTK2,
TP Muller
- bin = Null,
Pablo Fischer
- Re: bin = Null,
Kang Jeong-Hee
Hello everybody,
Rich Gautier
hi, gtktable question,
Johnathan Wang
Symbol font does not render in GTK+ 2.0,
Martyn Plummer
compiler prob,
Martin Muellenberg
menu hot keys,
Jeffrey Goddard
getting selection info,
Ronald Roth
child abondonment?,
Ronald Roth
Joergen Scheibengruber
GtkTreeView and colum size,
Arno Dark
porting issues,
Allin Cottrell
Gtk Container add,
Pablo Fischer
autoconf/automake for detecting whether GNOME is installed,
Morten Brix Pedersen
Ronald Roth
GtkTextBuffer question,
Jeffrey Morgan
surender javahar
nevermind 2nd part of my last question,
Ronald Roth
removing widgets from table,
Ronald Roth
motion-notify-events (GTK2),
Todd Goyen
TextView and ScrolledWindow not behaving properly,
Morten Brix Pedersen
glade- gtk menus,
monica bhan
How to reduce the y padding of gtk_cell_renderer_text'd cells?,
Brian J. Murrell
GtkTextBuffer and non UTF8 chars,
Font size in GTK,
Arno Dark
Re: where are the files...,
Carlos Pereira
How to properly clear a ListStore/TreeView and re-populate it?,
Brian J. Murrell
Question ... Toolbars,
Moritz Balz
GtkTreeView -> moving the cursor when a row is deleted,
Brian J. Murrell
mid_gc ?,
Olivier Fourdan
Different text style in menu and button possible?,
Karl H. Beckers
cells along row in GtkTreeView are misaligned,
Drew Parsons
Sorting a GtkTree?,
Thomas Ugland
Parrish M Myers
where are the files?,
Carlos Pereira
Gtk 2.0 Platform Doc Question,
Problems with Naba Kumar's progress cell renderer,
Tilman Sauerbeck
Inconsistent state for gtkcellrenderertoggle,
Paolo Bacchilega
gtk_table and undefined behaviour?,
Marcus vA
drag autoscroll in a clist (v1.2),
Patrick Crosby
Click and DESTROY,
gtk_font_selection_dialog_set_filter gone?,
Allin Cottrell
determining character width,
Allin Cottrell
Ronald Roth
Default style - no way to set?,
Olaf =?iso-8859-2?Q?Fr=B1czyk?=
fixed size label,
Joergen Scheibengruber
Conversion GtkCTree in GTK 1.2 to GtkTreeView in GTK 2,
Commercial GTK+ development tool,
Carl Best
Re: Bindings in testgtk.c-> doc's,
Owen Taylor
Flickering TextView in ScrolledWindow,
Morten Brix Pedersen
I have a problem a need linking gtk_radiobutton with a gtk_button,
how linking a radiobutton with a button?,
Two PRELIGHT colors for a togglebutton???,
Integer Manipulations,
Surender Javahar
include zvt/zvtterm.h problem,
Strange scrolling behaviour Gtk+ 2.0.5,
Re: Possible Tree View bug,
Jonathan Blandford
Re: tree view sortable?,
Jonathan Blandford
Re: making a GtkCellRendererText (TreeView) go into editing mode,
Jonathan Blandford
How Do I do to create database applications based on GTK...,
Eric Roberto Darruiz
Problem with a button in a gtk_dialog,
Joergen Scheibengruber
GTK and XML Question,
Checkbutton and label placement,
Olaf =?iso-8859-2?Q?Fr=B1czyk?=
how to set GtkText background color?,
Denis Dzyubenko
Do I have to use thread safety if my GDK layer uses threads?,
Brian J. Murrell
List , ScrolledWindow, Adjustment and Focus !,
Re: I need a __CLEAN__ "gtk_window_present()",
Havoc Pennington
how to set when keys should repeat and when they shouldn't,
Brian J. Murrell
How can I read the cursor position in a GTK+2.0 GtkTextView ?,
RE: GtkTreeView - why so SLOW?,
Ronald Roth
Finding particular files in the given directory path !,
Anita Dixit
Creating pixmap (GtkPixmap *pixmap),
Re: "clicked" signal on a selected row in a TreeView,
James M. Cape
Porting AbiWord and having troubles,
Showing the value in a GtkTreeViewColumn depending on a condition,
Tilman Sauerbeck
Re: directory selection dialog,
Anita Dixit
Clearing the gtk_text box,
s k
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