Re: Another GtkCList question

Clemens Kirchgatterer wrote:

Liviu BURCUSEL <liviu voxline ro> wrote:

Now I have another stupid question. How can I find the selected rows
in a GtkCList ? (There is more than one row selected).

There is a signal that the GtkCList emits when a row is selected, "select-row", which will pass you the appropriate data. This & other such answers can be found in the API!

I hate to discourage beginners, but I agree; RTFM indeed!
Dont give up on this list though, just look around a little first. has an api reference & tutorials (kindly pointed out below by Clemens) which will probably help you with everything you need to know! As well, included with gtk (1.X & 2.X) are sweet examples. I assume that since your using a GtkCList, your using 1.X, so in the source directory of gtk+-1.2.X, there are wicked examples (including clists) in the subdir "examples".
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