2002-June Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[no subject],
Bindings in testgtk.c-> doc's,
Webillo Disperso
"clicked" signal on a selected row in a TreeView,
Tilman Sauerbeck
Clering text in gtk_text box,
s k
"hidden" directories in file selection?,
GRE Spam Mail
Gdk-Critical warnings and GtkToolbar borders,
Ari Pollak
directory selection dialog,
Oliver Rauch
We want translate GTK2 API Reference to Chinese,
GTK 2.0 signal connecting,
Olaf =?iso-8859-2?Q?Fr=B1czyk?=
GTK_IS_ENTRY failed,
Thomas Ugland
Thread compilation issue,
Colin Thomas
Re: [gtkmm] (forw) Re: Calling C++ functions,
Murray Cumming
Porting GProftpd and textview,
OpenGL rendering with GTK2.0,
Duplication in treeview/liststore?,
Calling C++ functions,
William L. Thomson Jr.
Show each widget,
William L. Thomson Jr.
gtk file selection bug,
Gurer Ozen
gtkglarea & keypresses,
gtk2 tutorial has translated into simplified Chinese.,
GTK2 Tutorial =?UTF-8?Q?=E4=B8=AD=E6=96=87=E7=89=88=E6=AD=A3=E5=BC=8F=E5=8F=91?= =?UTF-8?Q?=E5=B8=83?=,
linking error,
Michal ROMAN
callbacks on a CTree node,
Ronald Roth
Problem with GTK+2 for Windows,
Wolfgang Draxinger
Analyse an character if it is type in to an entry Widget.,
Norbert . Haefke
gtk_widget_set_sensitive() dont work plz help me.,
juan rodriguez
GtkTreeView - why so SLOW?,
Olaf =?iso-8859-2?Q?Fr=B1czyk?=
g_spawn_async_with_pipes problems,
me ok
about TIFF format documemtation,
fretre lewis
making a GtkCellRendererText (TreeView) go into editing mode,
Possible Tree View bug,
Brett Nash
GtkGlArea for GTK+ 2,
Wolfgang Draxinger
Edward A. Falk
using GMarkupParser,
Tilman Sauerbeck
gtk 1.2.* on Mac OS X?,
Carlos Pereira
Watching a socket with g_io_add_watch(): works only first time,
Tilman Sauerbeck
I broke gnome!,
Ronald Roth
TreeView and setting row colors,
Olaf =?iso-8859-2?Q?Fr=B1czyk?=
juan rodriguez
non-core gnome2 apps for release notes,
Luis Villa
Why can't I set a spin button uneditable/disabled?,
Mark Jones
segfault in force_to_data() inside gdk_colormap_sync(),
Michael Rothwell
finding parent of options menu item?,
Is there some tarball of the GTK+ 2 tutorials already?,
Wolfgang Draxinger
GtkTreeView drag and drop,
GtkLabel wrapping, GdkPixbuf pixels,
Trevor Spiteri
g_spawn callback when child exits,
Brian J. Murrell
Using VScales widgets,
Chamindu Ruwin Munasinghe
drawing with gdk_draw_rgb_image in a gtk_drawing_area,
Oliver Heinen
GTK+ ported to Nano-X,
Johnny Fung
gtk widget transparency,
GTK or GTK-Gnome,
William L. Thomson Jr.
High CPU usage with glib main loop,
Morten Brix Pedersen
using lirc and IO Channels for input events,
Brian J. Murrell
howto gtkdrawingarea,
Andreas Moeller
closing a spawned window,
Ronald Roth
gtk2 problems,
Gurer Ozen
desperate for your help!,
select row in tree_view problem,
Olivier Mougin
gtk_list and double type,
Olivier Mougin
Glade extra code?,
William L. Thomson Jr.
GtkTreeView + blinking text,
gtk_tree_iter question,
Olivier Mougin
James Moss
Text Field layout,
William L. Thomson Jr.
GtkTreeView click events,
Jeremy Wise
Switching X contexts HOWTO ??,
Tristan Van Berkom
Adding and Destroying sub menus in GTK 1.2,
Jim Parker
Miguel Mendez
Problem with message window management...,
Jean-Max Redonnet
Attaching data to nodes in a GtkTreeView,
Micah Galizia
How to build a menu from button ?,
GTK+-2.0.5 released,
Owen Taylor
GObject size issue.,
Andrew Burr
Re: gtk_window_set_transi,
Carlos Pereira
gtk_window_set_transient_for gets mad !,
How do you programatically set the selected range in a GtkTextView?,
Nicholas Allen - Sun Ireland - Software Engineer
(dummy problem) Cannot compile at all !!!,
Matthieu Fecteau
GTK+-2.0.4 released,
Owen Taylor
Pango-1.0.3 released,
Owen Taylor
GLib-2.0.4 released,
Owen Taylor
Strange window resizing behaviour in Gtk+-2.0,
Nicholas Allen - Sun Ireland - Software Engineer
piping a apps output to program,
me ok
GModule question,
Janus N.
Problem with button sizing.,
Rich Burridge
tree view sortable?,
Olivier Sessink
editable entries in tree view,
Olivier Sessink
g_module in GTK 1.2,
Jim Parker
Strange behavior at application's exit,
Gtk2+ and thread safety,
Nicholas Allen - Sun Ireland - Software Engineer
gtk colour issue,
Venkat Ramakrishnan
(no subject),
Venkat Ramakrishnan
g_locale_to_utf8 with more than 64KB ASCII file,
Re: turning off display...,
Carlos Pereira
Removing tree items,
Marco Quezada
application icons,
Riswick, J.G.A. van
GtkTreeView and Family,
Jay Bloodworth
gtk2: Uneditable Texts in Entries/TextViews,
Jay Bloodworth
keybinding conflicts,
Evan Martin
GTK Problem,
GtkTextView problem,
Janus N.
Gtk peer set for Java and iconify/deiconify,
Nicholas Allen - Sun Ireland - Software Engineer
GtkText and specials accelerators,
Pierre-Yann Bridé
FileSelection: how add childern widget? how select a mask?,
Filip Hroch
Moving many images over a background image,
Olaf =?iso-8859-2?Q?Fr=B1czyk?=
Drawing area using Gtk Perl,
Riswick, J.G.A. van
Janus N.
turning off display of changes for a gtk (gdk-built) widget,
Dan Stromberg
"Drag box" widget,
Fabio Rotondo
gtk_tree_view filebrowser - anybody example code?,
change *file_list in filesection,
Question: Finding a widget by its set name (gtk 1.2),
Mike Bourgeous
ComboBox Problem,
Dr . Peter Rottengatter
Another GtkCList question,
GtkCList question,
Brian J. Murrell
TreeItem parent,
Marco Quezada
The best way to get x/y origin of a GtkCTreeNode?,
Boris Shingarov
copy and paste 20000 chars into mozilla/galeon fails,
question about gtk_timeout_aadd,
Combobox in a hbox...,
Ian Molton
Font rendering,
Ian Molton
setting gtk-can-change-accels,
C_List Question,
Ian Frawley
WM standards,
Carlos Pereira
Moving GtkTreeStore Items,
Brett Nash
pixmaps Error ...! at link.,
Mario Lopez
Attaching callback to adjustment object created by glade,
Rod B. Nussbaumer
gettext and gtk_item_factory_create_items,
Re: gth theme question,
Jakub Lukomski
create a xpm file,
yoann toussaint
accessing objects in notebook page,
j h
Re: setting menu shortcuts on the fly in gtk-2,
Owen Taylor
Re: runtime error only on linux,
yoann toussaint
Saving vpaned separator position,
Jens Finke
Ian Molton
Re: writing a text widget with pango,
Havoc Pennington
Re: how to remove the tear-off line in a menu (context-menu) in gtk1,
Joergen Scheibengruber
Adding to a menu and toolbar?,
Nils O.
clist and textentry colors in gtkrc file (1.2),
Directory Tree widget,
Nils O.
how about show moving image on screen?,
Mail converted by MHonArc