Re: WM standards

But a menu only pops up on a right-button click, not on
a right-mouse drag, and it's easy enough to distinguish between the
two.  That's how we can have both a context menu and right-mouse
dragging on Nautilus icons, for example-- and it's also how we managed
to get context menus in our visualisation software when all three mouse
buttons were used for scaling, panning and rotating.
Click is already used to select objects, but
yes, I think there is room for improvement here.
I will give it some serious thought. Thanks,

For the time being, Escape to go up,
Escape to go down, is simple and works.
Hmm, I think you've just made a good argument for not using Escape
actually... assuming you'd want to use the same key for both actions,
exiting a mode by pressing Escape sounds reasonable, but *entering* a
mode by pressing Escape sounds rather... well, weird :)
To enter a new mode, you have to escape from 
the current one... everytime I press Escape
I am escaping from the current mode (normal
or full screen) and going to the other one...

Besides, there is no key in a qwerty US 101 that 
transmits the ideia of going full screen... Print_Scrn?
Page_up? and then Page_Down?  (currently I use these 
two keys to circle through my top windows, particularly 
usefull when they are...  in full screen mode...)

I think there is a good case to use the same key 
to go up and down. If I press a key and something
weird happens, I feel comfortable when I press again
the same key and the effect disappears. If a newbie
presses a key, and he finds himself in full screen
mode, the natural reaction is to press the same key
again. If he presses the same key again and nothing
happens, then he is going to feel lost and will hate it.

If a newbie finds himself in full screen mode
by accident, then he necessarily pressed Escape,
so he probably remembers that: "mmh, I pressed
this Escape key and my windows are gone, 
dangerous stuff, let's press this Escape key 
again, let's escape from this wierd mode..."


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