Re: gtktable question

I'm not familiar with a GtkTable, but
a a GtkTable is an implementation of
GtkContainer. so:

GTK_CONTAINER(table)->remove(GTK_CONTAINER(table), child_widget);

should be more apropriate than removeing it by hand
from the GList.

(this would be the equivalent of calling:
"gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(table), child_widget);"
because container will call the objects implementation of "remove")

remember that if the container didn't create the widget;
removing it will not bring the reference count to 0; so that
widget will not be finalized. (you can still use a widget that
has been added/ref'd --> removed/unref'd)

also you might want to check what happens when you call
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(table), child_widget);

and check the "GtkContainer" documentation for more funky
stuff that "containers" implement ... such as:

etc etc...


if you really need to "manhandle" the widget you might try


at the end and let the event loop do its thing
copy the source of the GtkTable in order to make one
that does what you want.

But I really doubt that a widget as seemingly generic
as the table doesn't support at least 
removing / repositioning / resizing.


yanxin wrote:
(I posted this question while back and got no answer, now repost)

Supose I have a 3x3 gtktable with wdgets attached in. Later on, I want
to resize
or reposition the widgets(cell) to use different attach
parameters(left_attach,right_attach,top_attach,bottom_attach). How can I

do this?

I have thought of two methods:
method 1. unparent the widget attached, remove the child from the
gtktable->children, then re-attach the widget with the new parameters;

method 2.modify the parameters in gtktablechild->left_attach(and also
right_attach, top_attach,bottom_attach), then what should I do next?

Will those ideas work? Please help!



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