Re: Nonstandard Check Button

So, any callback will be called after the class handler of the signal.  Then
you should subclass GtkCheckButton, override the `clicked' handler and not
call the handler of the parent class.

Thanks, I got it working.  Code below.  There are two ugly things about
1. toggle_button_set_active stops working, due to the way toggle button
uses the clicked signal internally.
2. If I want to have toggle button and check button with this
functionality, I must derive two separate new widgets, although the code
is the same.  So should this be really inside toggle button? But there
is probably no hope for adding a property for this in the official API.

Thanks anyway!


static void
foo_gtk_check_button_class_init (FooGtkCheckButtonClass *class)
  GtkButtonClass   *button_class;
  button_class = (GtkButtonClass*) class;
  parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (class);
  button_class->clicked = NULL;

foo_gtk_check_button_set_active (FooGtkCheckButton *button,
                                 gboolean is_active)
  g_return_if_fail (FOO_GTK_IS_CHECK_BUTTON (button));
  is_active = is_active != FALSE;
  if (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button)->active != is_active)
      if (GTK_BUTTON_CLASS (parent_class)->clicked)
          GTK_BUTTON_CLASS (parent_class)->clicked
                            (GTK_BUTTON (button));

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