2005-January Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
How to add accel key without button?,
Falls Huang
gnome_vfs and gtk ?!,
Antonio Gomes
GdkPixbuf rendering to partially obscured window,
Carl Nygard
Static compiling under VC.net,
Daniel Lang
how to justify text in a GtkTextView,
Boncek, John
set_focus_chain problem,
Bob Caryl
ATK and window focus,
James Boyden
Gtk Extra widgets,
GNOME list moderator service,
Ross Golder
Button Label Size/Padding,
Greg Breland
more general: strategy against errors with gtk + threads,
Felix Kater
Can't redraw labels in gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons,
Vanko Eugen
starting up the app,
Brian Clark
Delivery service mail,
GtkLabel Background color,
libglade vs. glade,
=?ISO-8859-1?B?R3n2evY=?= Both
async gnome_vfs functions + gtk = possible threading problem?,
Olivier Sessink
font color,
getting wrong iters when using a TreeModelFilter,
Stefan Kost
how to make a function thread safe?,
Felix Kater
GtkTextBuffer: how to insert new line?,
Felix Kater
static build,
Bob Caryl
GtkTextView and paste_clipboard signal,
Jesper Eskilson
Carsten Burstedde
2d image manipualtion in a gtk widget.,
Luca Cappa
Windiow Background Help!,
hide mouse cursor..,
ALLs soft
hide mouse cursor...,
ALLs soft
GtkComboBox can show tree structure? how?,
Olivier Sessink
how hide mouse cursor?,
ALLs soft
How to make a window "undeletable",
size adaptive window layout,
Stefan Kost
Compile line options for a libglade project?,
Tony Freeman
how to hide mouse cursor (GTK + CPP)?,
ALLs soft
gtk widgets interaction - from different applications/tasks,
Pedro Amaral Couto
compare entry with list,
Vinod Joseph
How best to fetch a web page...,
Freddie Unpenstein
font in rc file,
Giovanni Manenti
How to search through all entries in a column in GtkList,
Vinod Joseph
How to specify max char limit on GtkTextView,
Gaurav Jain
[X11] get information from window like xprop,
Andreas Volz
gobject property change-notify,
Stefan Kost
"gtk+" + "omniORB" ( corba ),
Linux User
Change distance between buttonborder and the containing widget,
Felix Bueltmann
Pango fonts,
Alexander S.Kresin
Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkentry.c: line 3717 (gtk_entry_set_text): assertion `text != NULL' failed,
Compile line options for gnome/libglade?,
Tony Freeman
Fwd: Please help me with GtkListStore,
Vinod Joseph
gtk 2.6.1 on Windows: icon themes,
Allin Cottrell
Newbie question: How to set a button's image?,
Neo Anderson
GtkListStore - play with the list entries,
Vinod Joseph
Two problems with widget placement,
Tomas Mecir
Alexander S.Kresin
rc file,
Giovanni Manenti
A scripting language purely based on GLib and GObject.,
Alif Wahid
blocking window manager from closing window,
Multiple calls to a signal handler,
Prewitt, Nathan C ERDC-ITL-MS Contractor
Debugging problem with gtk applications,
Dehua Zhao
Replacing gdk_font_load,
How to use GtkAdjustment ?,
Tomas Mecir
editing-started signal on GtkCellRenderer,
Please join me in congratulating Tor Lillqvist,
Harring Figueiredo
Changing foreground and background color in GtkListView rows,
How to implement transparency in GtkWidget?,
Gaurav Jain
Bad documentation for Combo Box,
Fabricio Rocha
How to destory GtkWindow without memory leak,
Masao Mutoh
column spanning major headers in liststore/treeview?,
george young
How to get tearoff menus to stay on top?,
Ken Siersma
can't access notebook widget from menu?,
N Deepak
Add a signal to an object,
Felix Bueltmann
Cairo and GDK,
Richard Gipps
Jorge Monsalvo
Gnome 2 DEveloper's Guide,
Alf C Stockton
Alexander S.Kresin
-----Why this error info turn up?,
Bob Zhao
Scrolling, nested widgets, and stuff,
Tomas Mecir
hide or better delete elements in GtkMenu,
Andreas Madsack
Perceived Software Quality Survey (PESQUS) for GNOME,
Human Aspects of Software Engineering
UI_Manager & checkMenuItem,
Rocky Horror
Windows issues, gdkdrawable-win32.c:1498 ....,
Dave Andruczyk
focus/cursor behavipour of treeview,
Stefan Kost
non focusable treeview column,
Stefan Kost
Video display,
Alf C Stockton
hello & threads,
[REQ] List of events,
Joril -
Save Dialog .... callbacks,
gtk-2.6 vs solaris 9,
Dan McMahill
libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Hazael Maldonado Torres
- Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Tristan Van Berkom
- Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Gus Koppel
- Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Carlo Agrusti
- Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Tim =?iso-8859-1?q?M=FCller?=
- Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Gus Koppel
- Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Tristan Van Berkom
- Re: [Glade-devel] Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Hongli Lai
- Re: [Glade-devel] Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Gus Koppel
- Re: [Glade-devel] Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Todd Fisher
- Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Roger Leigh
- Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Gus Koppel
- Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Roger Leigh
- Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Gus Koppel
- Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Roger Leigh
- Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Gus Koppel
- Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Michael Torrie
- Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Gus Koppel
- Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Tristan Van Berkom
- Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Todd Fisher
- Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Russell Shaw
- Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Gus Koppel
- Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Russell Shaw
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Rastatter, Ken (OH32)
- Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation,
Fabricio Rocha
Drawing a GtkWidget to an offscreen bitmap,
Gaurav Jain
Aaron Yang
create a popup window from thread,
Liu Hai Bin
Change the image used in a GtkButton,
Jorge Monsalvo
compilatio of gtk 2.6 on mingw ?,
Vincent Torri
Tree view multiple row selection,
custom gtk_file_selection ....,
Afonso Rabelo
GtkTreeView with huge amount of rows; dynamic data source?,
Gus Koppel
scrolling text,
Pavan Patale
2 Problems in GtkHtml,
Gaurav Jain
[REQ] Retrieving child widgets from a GtkWindow,
Joril -
Interdependent widgets,
Prewitt, Nathan C ERDC-ITL-MS Contractor
Manually specifying the Visual for a GTK+ app?,
jonathan . claggett
grab system keys,
Re: gtk-app-devel-list Digest, Vol 9, Issue 16,
Dave Andruczyk
Re: GdkPixbuf change brightness [was:(no subject)],
Iago Rubio
gconf_client_set_int doesn't return,
Hai Bin Liu
change font size,
Packing & Selecting Icons/Buttons in a TreeView column,
Robert J Carter
gtk_tree_model_get (),
Hubert Sokolowski
----Which widget is focused,
Zhao Qing
crosscompiling on linux for windows, link failure,
Dave Andruczyk
Getting all data from a GObject,
Filtering a GtkTreeStore correctly,
Marcus von Appen
(no subject),
anne isac
treeview sorting,
Hubert Sokolowski
Andreas Volz
GtkComboBox events,
Greg Breland
Gnome Kiosk,
Alf C Stockton
GTK+ 2.6.1 released,
Matthias Clasen
Aaron Yang
FW: GDK_WINDOW_XID and XGetInputFocus give me different results,
GLib 2.6.1 released,
Matthias Clasen
Pointer Warp,
Carsten Burstedde
multiple instances of a panel applet,
Jimmy Do
Specialized TreeView.,
Tristan Van Berkom
custom widget for tree-view column header,
Stefan Kost
Re: gtk_list_store,
Matthias Clasen
popup_menu Question,
Emmanuel Julien
Use a GtkMessageBox in a GThread under Win32,
strange i18n problem,
Allin Cottrell
Compiling grip 3.0.2 under SuSE 9.1,
Gerhard Hintermayer
GTK+ & images,
Alf C Stockton
Widget for choose key bindings,
Gene Heskett
Re: Canvas basics,
Jody Goldberg
gtk_dialog_run and right way to show dialog,
cross-compiling glib, and threads,
Allin Cottrell
Re: How to get information about focus from other then my application?,
Gtk_File_Chooser_Dialog always shows white panels.,
Modal window on fullscreen'd application.,
Gdk 'keys-changed' signal not emitted,
How to get information about focus from other then my application?,
Re: How to tell if the widget exist or not,
David Necas (Yeti)
compile glib 2.6.0 for win32 from linux box?,
F. Kater
Re: gtk_list_find() problem,
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