Re: libglade vs glade for dialog generation

Gus Koppel wrote:

[ A lot of stuff I agree with about keeping the code generation 
feature of Glade, especially:]

- Having function calls to build a GUI hardcoded in the program is
 faster than parsing XML files at runtime. Speed advantage of
 hardcode grows proportionally with the complexity of your GUI.

Glade code can serve as a good tutorial on how to program GTK+
 directly. You may appreciate this knowledge when it comes to
 runtime modifications of already created windows, i.e. modifying
 sensivity, visibility or even layout of widgets.
I enjoy having a choice in how the GTK+ GUI is generated. If the layout,
quantity or types of widgets used in your dialogs never change, then 
libglade may be right for you.  If your app will create widgets or change
layouts at runtime, then examine the code Glade generates so you can
get a feel of how to code some GUI elements manually.

Please don't abandon the code-generating facility of Glade. 

Ken Rastatter

Senior Design Engineer
Honeywell Sensotec Sensors
2080 Arlingate Lane, Columbus, Ohio, 43228-4112 USA
"These opinions are mine and not necessarily those of Honeywell."

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