Re: gtk-can-change-accels

i'd say this is not different from my code. as far as i can see, casting
GtkSettings* to GObject isn't mandatory, otherwise the program would
complain (and i use g_object_set on other variables without casting,
and it works fine). and as i don't have a shortcut file (i can't have
one if changing the shortcuts doesn't work in the first place), i don't
load it. but this shouldn't prevent the whole system of changing the
shortcuts from working.

i used my code after creating the main window, which contains the menu.
so my code comes also after creating the menu.


I use the following code *after* I create the main menu:

      GtkSettings* gtksettings = gtk_settings_get_default();
      g_object_set(G_OBJECT(gtksettings), "gtk-can-change-accels",
      TRUE, NULL);  gtk_accel_map_load(shortcutfilename);

it works, but I don't use glade

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