Re: Classes for fundamental types, renaming GtkArg

> On 26 Aug 1998, Marius Vollmer wrote:
> > The variables currently defined in gtktypebuiltins_vars.c could be
> > replaced by macros like
> > 
> >     #define GTK_TYPE_CELL_TYPE  (_gtk_builtin_enums_base+0*GTK_TYPE_SEQNO_INC)
> >     #define GTK_TYPE_C_TREE_POS (_gtk_builtin_enums_base+1*GTK_TYPE_SEQNO_INC)
> >     ...
> > 
> > but I do no longer think that would buy us anything.

I'm not sure if this is relevant to the topic at hand, but switching back
to macros would help my Perl binding a bit, and probably most of the
interpreter bindings: by having preprocessor variables for each type, I
can use the preprocessor to decide whether a type is present, rather then
having to test at configure time (which is quite expensive) or precompute
this information somehow (which is what I did for gtk+-1.1.1 support in
Gtk/Perl 0.3).

Kenneth Albanowski (, CIS: 70705,126)

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