Re: size allocate signal sent everytime i repaint widget

Mikael Hermansson <> writes:

> Hello developers!
> I am working on my gtkextext widget and have a problem.
> If I am correct the "size_allocate" should only be sent when the widget resizes.
> But it looks like the size allocate is sent everytime i repaint the widget with
> "expose_event", Can it be because I clear the gdk_window area in "expose_event"
> or is it a bug in gtk?

No, it's not either of these. (Well, I won't say that there are no bugs
in GTK+, but I _really_ redoubt that any bugs in GTK+ cause a size_allocate
to be sent on each expose.) Maybe you are changing the scrolled windows
adjustments - this can cause size_allocate events.


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