GdkPixbufLoader api & stuff

a bit late to be asking (again) about api I know but if only for curiosity..

In GdkPixbufLoader, why is there an animation_done signal? People can tell when an animation is done by when they have no more data to stick in the loader, and if there is some other reason for it, shouldn't there be a corresponding image_done signal for the same reason?

According to the docs, frame_done doesn't count as that hypothetical signal, since it flags that the loader is dealing with an animation and not an image.

The other loader signals are strange to use as well.. I can only put my finger on anim_done right now though heh

My second question, shouldn't GdkPixbufAnimation have a background colour property?

The GIF file format in theory, for those who don't know, is essentially a list of images overlayed on a larger background of a single color to make the complete image, like windows are overlayed on the root window (the desktop in winspeak). Add a delay time property to each "frame" in the list and you have an animation.

I don't know if this happens in practice, but in theory the first frame may not cover the "logical root window" of the gif, leaving pixels that should be the background color exposed. Or, indeed, it may have transparency information, with the same result. So the GdkPixbufAnimation type needs to store a background so animation renderers can do that

There are a couple of other twists in gdk-pixbuf's gif/animation implementation, but the above is still true. So yeah, what's up :)

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