Consumed modifiers and multi-modifier combinations

[ Cc'ing Ivan Pascal so he stop me if I say something really stupid ]

Currently accelerator matching in GTK+ is done as follows - for
each accelerator, a key symbol and set of modifiers is stored, then
using the 'consumed_modifiers' return from
gdk_keymap_translate_keyboard_state() (same as 
modifiers_return() from XkbTranslateKeyCode()) we match (*):

if (accel_key == keysym &&
    (accel_modifiers & ~consumed_modifiers & mask) == 
    (event->state & ~consumed_modifiers & mask))
  /* Key was pressed */

Where 'mask' is a mask of all modifiers that GTK+ cares about to
avoid ScrollLock, etc, screwing up matching

This allows an accelerator to be specified as <Control>plus
and match a keypress of <Control><Shift>plus on the US keyboard
and a keypress of <Control>plus on most European keyboards.
Because currently 'consumed_modifiers' also contains modifiers that
affect translation for that key that are *not* in event->state, doing
event->state & ~consumed_modifiers also allows:


to be specified and work (**). This is arguable a misfeature, but 
removing it would break compatibility, especially with apps that
were designed for GTK+-1.2 where the <Shift> *had* to be specified
since we didn't use to strip out consumed modifiers.

The problem comes when you have keys where multi-modifier combinations
are used in the XKB key map. For example:

 <Control><Alt> + Backspace => Terminate_Server

For this key, we have <Control><Alt> put into consumed_modifiers.
But this means we can no longer distinguish between 'Backspace'
and '<Control>Backspace' as accelerators, so the common key binding
of <Control>Backspace to mean delete-word-backwards doesn't work.

Similar things happen with <Control><Alt>F[n], and also in some less 
common keyboard maps.

The solution here that I came up with is to change the interpretation 
of consumed_modifiers: since we already have a cut-and-paste of
XkbTranslateKeyCode() that's trivial to implement. The new
interpretation is:

 - consumed_modifiers contains modifiers that effect the translation
   of the key *that are found in event->state*

This means, that consumed_modifiers will never contain <Control><Alt>
for Backspace unless the user actually presses <Control><Alt>. 
However, to preserve compatibility with people who wrote 
<Control><Shift>plus for their accelerator, there is a modification
of the above:

 - To preserve compatibility as well as possible, consumed_modifier
   also contains all *single modifier* combinations that effect
   the translation of the key, whether or not they are found
   in event->state.

The attached patch implements this. It's a small amount of code and
a big note added to the documentation.


(*) This isn't a literal quote. We actually do more complicated
    stuff to allow matching with mismatched groups to match at
    a lower priority than an exact match so that keyboard
    accelerators work on a Russian keyboard in Russian mode,
(**) For the eagle-eyed: yes, there is no reason why the consumed
    modifiers for plus on the keyboard of the person designing the
    accelerator should match the consumed modifiers for plus 
    on the users keymap. But in practice, <Shift> is the most
    likely problem and it is consumed for most keys on most keyboards.
Index: gdkkeys-x11.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/gtk+/gdk/x11/gdkkeys-x11.c,v
retrieving revision 1.34
diff -u -p -r1.34 gdkkeys-x11.c
--- gdkkeys-x11.c	28 Nov 2002 00:33:05 -0000	1.34
+++ gdkkeys-x11.c	21 Aug 2003 13:52:19 -0000
@@ -841,9 +841,12 @@ gdk_keymap_lookup_key (GdkKeymap        
 #ifdef HAVE_XKB
-/* This is copied straight from XFree86 Xlib, because I needed to
- * add the group and level return. It's unchanged for ease of
- * diff against the Xlib sources; don't reformat it.
+/* This is copied straight from XFree86 Xlib, to:
+ *  - add the group and level return.
+ *  - change the interpretation of mods_rtrn as described
+ *    in the docs for gdk_keymap_translate_keyboard_state()
+ * It's unchanged for ease of diff against the Xlib sources; don't
+ * reformat it.
 static Bool
 MyEnhancedXkbTranslateKeyCode(register XkbDescPtr     xkb,
@@ -897,29 +900,48 @@ MyEnhancedXkbTranslateKeyCode(register X
     if (type->map) { /* find the column (shift level) within the group */
         register int i;
         register XkbKTMapEntryPtr entry;
+	/* ---- Begin section modified for GDK  ---- */
+	int found = 0;
         for (i=0,entry=type->map;i<type->map_count;i++,entry++) {
-            if ((entry->active)&&((mods&type->mods.mask)==entry->mods.mask)) {
+	    if (mods_rtrn) {
+		int bits = 0;
+		unsigned long tmp = entry->mods.mask;
+		while (tmp) {
+		    if ((tmp & 1) == 1)
+			bits++;
+		    tmp >>= 1;
+		}
+		/* We always add one-modifiers levels to mods_rtrn since
+		 * they can't wipe out bits in the state unless the
+		 * level would be triggered. But return other modifiers
+		 * 
+		 */
+		if (bits == 1 || (mods&type->mods.mask)==entry->mods.mask)
+		    *mods_rtrn |= entry->mods.mask;
+	    }
+            if (!found&&entry->active&&((mods&type->mods.mask)==entry->mods.mask)) {
                 col+= entry->level;
                 if (type->preserve)
                     preserve= type->preserve[i].mask;
-                /* ---- Begin stuff GDK adds to the original Xlib version ---- */
                 if (level_rtrn)
                   *level_rtrn = entry->level;
-                /* ---- End stuff GDK adds to the original Xlib version ---- */
-                break;
+                found = 1;
+	/* ---- End section modified for GDK ---- */
     if (keysym_rtrn!=NULL)
         *keysym_rtrn= syms[col];
     if (mods_rtrn) {
-        *mods_rtrn= type->mods.mask&(~preserve);
+	/* ---- Begin section modified for GDK  ---- */
+        *mods_rtrn &= ~preserve;
+	/* ---- End section modified for GDK ---- */
         /* ---- Begin stuff GDK comments out of the original Xlib version ---- */
         /* This is commented out because xkb_info is a private struct */
@@ -1040,6 +1062,49 @@ translate_keysym (GdkKeymapX11   *keymap
  * affected by the active keyboard group. The @level is derived from
  * @state. For convenience, #GdkEventKey already contains the translated
  * keyval, so this function isn't as useful as you might think.
+ *
+ * <note><para>
+ * @consumed_modifiers gives modifiers that should be masked out
+ * from @state when comparing this key press to a hot key. For
+ * instance, on a US keyboard, the <literal>plus</literal>
+ * symbol is shifted, so when comparing a key press to a
+ * <literal>&lt;Control&gt;plus</literal> accelerator &lt;Shift&gt; should
+ * be masked out.
+ * </para>
+ * <informalexample><programlisting>
+ * &sol;* We want to ignore irrelevant modifiers like ScrollLock *&sol;
+ * gdk_keymap_translate_keyboard_state (keymap, event->hardware_keycode,
+ *                                      event->state, event->group,
+ *                                      &keyval, NULL, NULL, &consumed);
+ * if (keyval == GDK_PLUS &&
+ *     (event->state & ~consumed & ALL_ACCELS_MASK) == GDK_CONTROL_MASK)
+ *   &sol;* Control was pressed *&sol;
+ * </programlisting></informalexample>
+ * <para>
+ * An older interpretation @consumed_modifiers was that it contained
+ * all modifiers that might affect the translation of the key;
+ * this allowed accelerators to be stored with irrelevant consumed
+ * modifiers, by doing:</para>
+ * <informalexample><programlisting>
+ * &sol;* XXX Don't do this XXX *&sol;
+ * if (keyval == accel_keyval &&
+ *     (event->state & ~consumed & ALL_ACCELS_MASK) == (accel_mods & ~consumed))
+ *   &sol;* Accelerator was pressed *&sol;
+ * </programlisting></informalexample>
+ * <para>
+ * However, this did not work if multi-modifier combinations were
+ * used in the keymap, since, for instance, <literal>&lt;Control&gt;</literal>
+ * would be masked out even if only <literal>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;</literal>
+ * was used in the keymap. To support this usage as well as well as
+ * possible, all <emphasis>single modifier</emphasis> combinations
+ * that could affect the key for any combination of modifiers will
+ * be returned in @consumed_modifiers; multi-modifier combinations
+ * are returned only when actually found in @state. When you store
+ * accelerators, you should always store them with consumed modifiers
+ * removed. Store <literal>&lt;Control&gt;plus</literal>,
+ * not <literal>&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Shift&gt;plus</literal>,
+ * </para></note>
  * Return value: %TRUE if there was a keyval bound to the keycode/state/group

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