Re: File selector talk writeup

On Date: 16 Feb 2003 15:52:38 -0500 Owen Taylor <otaylor redhat com>

> I assume if we got MIME type handling standardized gnome-vfs would
> switch over to it. Hopefully then gnome-vfs could use GLib when
> appropriate, though it would presumably need extra stuff on top as
> well.

Hmm.. I don't think MIME handling will be considered standardized *until*
gnome-vfs supports it ;-) Are there any major problems with the current
draft[1]? The format of the binary magic files is still undecided (so it
would be quite possible to just define it as whatever gnome-vfs is
currently using, if that's written down explicitly somewhere). I'll try to
look into it again in a few weeks if noone sends me anything for the
spec sooner.


Thomas Leonard
tal00r ecs soton ac uk		tal197 users sourceforge net
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