I think I find a way to use pango low level

I have do something low level with pango, because I want to do all the
i18n stuff myself, and continuing work with the benefit of pango. That
is my way! Is that right?

1. take a PangoContext, use pango_itemize on a simple English string
such as "abc" to get a PangoItem and the PangoAnalysis(That is what I
2. When I want to draw some string using a specific font, I load the
font in context, then replace the font field of PangoAnalysis with my
font, then call pango_shape on the PangoAnalysis and the string I want
to draw to get the GlyphString!

I think what I do really is geting a "basic" shape engine to shape

I am involved in a project that do all the i18n stuff such as RTL or
breaking words to lines themselves, so I want to use pango on some low
level, just as the xft or core x font mechanism.

If I do that this way, could be any problem with me?
Thanks for advice!
Huang Ying

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