Reevaluating the 2.4 schedule

Two weeks ago, Owen wrote: 

> My feeling is that we should revaluate where we are in 2 weeks
> and see if we need to a) extend the major feature freeze a bit
> more b) punt stuff to 2.6.

July 15 has come and gone. Where do we stand wrt to the reduced 2.4 features
list ? 
(+ : commited, -: pending)

- File selector
  blocked on properties for interfaces

- Combo widget 
  blocked on table menus.

- New action-based menu API
  no idea of the status here. James ?

+ Toolbar improvements 

+ GObject private data 

- Properties for interfaces
  blocked on maintainer. How long do we want to wait for Tim on this ?

- Full Unicode 3.2 (4.0?) support, including non-BMP portions.
  no idea of the status here. Noah ?

- Make RTL text editing really work
  I gave Dov some feedback regarding problems with his patch, which he hopes
to investigate
  this week.

+ Autocompletion and history for GtkEntry

+ Disclosure triangle widget 

+ GnomeColorPicker style selection buttons for colors, fonts, etc 

+ XCursor support for GDK.

+ Support icon themes

+ GtkTreeModelFilter

I guess we have to extend the feature freeze a bit... unless we want to
leave the new file selector for 2.6.


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