Re: Reevaluating the 2.4 schedule

On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 03:30, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> Two weeks ago, Owen wrote: 
> > My feeling is that we should revaluate where we are in 2 weeks
> > and see if we need to a) extend the major feature freeze a bit
> > more b) punt stuff to 2.6.
> July 15 has come and gone. Where do we stand wrt to the reduced 2.4 features
> list ? 
> (+ : commited, -: pending)
> - File selector
>   blocked on properties for interfaces

There is also just a lot of work to do here (especially on the user
interface), but indeed, it's the case that without
properties-in-interfaces getting into GObject, it's pretty hard
for me to ask other people to help out on this.

> - New action-based menu API
>   no idea of the status here. James ?

The main thing I'd really like to see on this is someone do some serious
looking at how it will integrate with Bonobo.

When I looked at the API a while ago, I didn't have a lot of comments,
it looked pretty much ready to go into GTK+. But menu-merging isn't
something that I have a lot of experience with.

One definitely possibility is that we should just move it into GTK+ 
as soon as possible, and at least move gtk-demo to it, write docs, etc,
after all, we aren't going to get any experience with the API
in practice as long as it languishes in libegg.

> - Properties for interfaces
>   blocked on maintainer. How long do we want to wait for Tim on this ?

My most recent patch tries to address all of Tim's API concerns. 
He said he'd look at it when he got back from a trip this week.
If he doesn't, I may have to get you to go over there with a 
stick ;-)

> I guess we have to extend the feature freeze a bit... unless we want to
> leave the new file selector for 2.6.

Pretty clearly. I'm going to suggest that we push back all the
dates by two weeks (to August 1...). While continually making
small schedule slippages is less comfortable than whacking back the
schedule and giving lots of breathing room, I'd rather keep
up the pressure on myself and others to keep things movings.

Another thing that needs doing is to go through 2.4 API milestones
for glib and gtk+ in bugzilla, there are:

 - Big things that aren't going to make 2.4
 - Little things that we might as well do for 2.4
 - Little things that aren't going make 2.4, because we have
   to many big things to do even if the little things are easy.
 - Patches sitting around ready for review

It would be really nice if we could get these milestones down to
the things that we really think are going to make 2.4, instead
of the clutter that is there now.


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