Re: Integrating EggMenu code into GTK+

On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 11:11:41AM -0400, Owen Taylor wrote: 
> Probably the biggest missing piece of the GTK+ documentation
> is good information about getting started and information
> on "best practices". There is the tutorial, but it's not
> quite clear how it relates to the reference docs or what
> it's purpose is.

What I would do is add a few short overview/tutorial chapters on
general GTK concepts to the reference manual, with copious links in
those chapters to the reference docs. (The content of these chapters
would be similar to the first few chapters of my book for example, or
the start of the gtk tutorial.)

I'd then have some additional overview/intro sections on common
topics, such as glade. (Reminds me that we should get a libglade 
equivalent into gtk itself.)

I'd then like to see the overview sections for each widget filled in,
with example code for each widget.

Some stuff in the tutorial should be moved; for example the "scribble"
example should be updated to reflect GTK+ 2.0 and moved to the
reference manual.

Then the tutorial should really end up obsolete. The reason I advocate
moving stuff into the single ref. manual is so you can have links into
the reference materials, and both authors and readers can have
one-stop shopping and global organization.

> There's also the material in gtk-book/ in CVS, that may
> be useful, or may not be useful to update and integrate.

The DND stuff in here should get into a "DND overview" chapter in the
manual for example.

> But, anyways, back to more concrete things - for gtk-demo, 
> there's lots of obvious stuff missing - GtkBox, GtkTable, 
> GtkEntry, font selector, GtkSpinbutton, the list could go on 
> and on.

Indeed, more gtk-demo examples and coverage would be great.

Though a surprising number of people don't find gtk-demo - 
advertising it better in the docs would be cool.


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