Re: GtkExpander/GtkDisclosure

Hi Ray,

On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 07:48, Ray Strode wrote:
> >  2) I recently implemented a GtkBin sub-class which displays an expander
> > arrow and label at the top of the widget and hides/shows the GtkBin
> > child depending on whether the widget is expanded or collapsed.
> I personally think that this method is the better method of the two.  It 
> seems to fit better with the rest of
> GTK+.  Nevertheless, couldn't you simplify your code quite a bit by just 
> adding a GtkCheckButton that
> contains a GtkLabel and GtkArrow into your container as an internal 
> child?  Your widget will still be a
> subclass of GtkBin, but you won't have to duplicate existing 
> functionality (which can always lead to
> inconsistencies).

	Yes, I considered this. But what you'd really end with is both
approaches. You'd need to implement a GtkCheckButton sub-class and embed
that in the GtkBin sub-class. Also, it would be a little weird because
most of the operations you need to do would be on the GtkCheckButton
sub-class and that's where the "toggled" signal would come from too.

	So, yes I think it would simplify the implementation but I think it
would be a very confusing API for such a conceptually simple widget.

>   Also, I don't really see a reason why the widget 
> can't be NO_WINDOW.

	You need to recieve button press and motion/crossing events. You can't
do that with a NO_WINDOW widget right ?

Good Luck,

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