?gtk_notebook_remove_page alter other data in structures?

I am not sure if it s a bug or a programming error.
Here is the context
I implement a double-linked list, and each element of this list is a structure.
typedef struct tab{
		GtkNotebook *note;
		struct tab* next;
		struct tab* previous;
		int index;
		/* misc data */
		} tab;
typedef tab* list;
typedef list* plist;

The first element : previous = NULL and for the last : next=NULL
all the "note" data of the elements point to the same shared GtkNotebook.

it seems that removing a page of GtkNotebook causes "next" to be modified.

so, imagine I want to close the first tab, here is what I do

plist file,temp;

if ((*file)->prev==NULL)
		/* We are on the first */
			g_print("DELETE THE FIRST\n");
			while (*temp!=NULL)
g_print("BEFORE %d AFTER d\n",(*temp)->index,(*temp)->index-1);

so at the end of this "while" loop, the new current "file" pointed value as the good index: 0, since it is the first.

now, i call :

g_print("Current position in file %d\n",(*file)->index);  // result : 0
g_print("Current position in file %d\n",(*file)->index); // result : 1

so, I think there is something strange.
previous was equal to NULL, and next equal to 1
I have checked, it seems that (*file) has been deplaced to his next value : (*file)->next, the index has not been change, it is the adress in *file which has been changed by (*file)->next. (I say that because I can switch to another tabn and then to the first, and I get the right index)

Is it normal ?Or an error in my code ?or a bug?


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