Re: signals versus vfuncs

muppet schrieb:
The CellRenderer is a major PITA because there are no signals for the
 four vfuncs you need to be able to override.

You have to learn how to master vfuncs on top of mastering signals.
Since both methods peacefully coexist in c++ (virtual functions vs.
SigC++) for some time there has to be a reason for both of them.

and it's not just for gtk2-perl. pygtk solved the CellRenderer problem by creating a new subclass from which to derive cell renderers, but you lose the ability to derive from existing C renderers (a real pain if you want to have a text renderer, for example).

Gtkmm provides C++ classes for every CellRenderer shipped with gtk to
derive from. Once you use a custom gtk+ renderer, you loose that
convenience of course.

i'd like to understand the rationale behind not having signals for every vfunc before i start complaining about it; perhaps there's a really good reason i hadn't thought of, or perhaps the C developers don't know what the scripting language developers go through. <managerspeak> i wanted to start a dialogue. </managerspeak> gtk+ is the most binding-friendly widget set i know of, i'd like it to stay that way.

If I sum you up correctly for perl derivation (which is what vfuncs
need) is much more inconvenient than signal connection (which not
involves any derivation (or custom classes) at all).

I feel that because of the overhead [in calling signal handlers (much
more than just an indirect jump) and creating signal handlers (enum,
register, provide a default implementation and an activate function for
it)] the gtk+ developers tend to avoid signals wherever possible.

Adding a vfunc is simply a struct member, an initialization, and a
default implementation (about half of the work for a signal?).

Rule of thumb seems to be:
- if the implementation (callback) is likely to be changed by an
ordinary user of the widget it gets a signal.
- if more than one callback at a time is sensible it _has_ to be a signal
- if the implementation is only likely to be changed by a different sort
of widget (like with the cellrenderers) derivation is sensible and a
vfunc is enough
- if more than one callback at a time (e.g. rendering) is nonsense it is
likely to get a vfunc

Perhaps widget derivation on the fly (take a base widget and override
just some vfuncs without adding member variables (extending the instance
struct)) should deserve an API ???

  GType modify_type(GType base, const char *new_type_s_name, <list of
vfuncs and implementations>);
  void gobject_change_type(GObject *, GType new_type);

This way overriding vfuncs would be _much_ easier (one to two function
calls instead of all the usual derivation dance).

In C++ you get it medium-easily :-/ by deriving from the gtkmm widget
and doing some Glib::ObjectBase magic *) in your ctor.

we can't just call a method named "do_something" because we'd get an infinite loop.

If I understand correctly that's just the problem that explicit
namespace decoration

void Derived::some_vfunc()
{  ...

solves in C++.

   Christof (who hardly knows anything but gtkmm)

*) there might be some documentation besides
examples/cellrenderercustom/ for it but I never
found one.
And implementing interfaces from scratch is even more awkward
(see custom treemodel problems and
Glib::Object(Glib::ConstructParams(myclass.init(), (char*) 0))) - I
think this is due to the need for

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