Re: [patch] unmap GtkWindow child when iconified

Alexey Spiridonov <lesha netman ru> writes:

> I'm wondering why GtkWindow doesn't unmap its child when it gets unmapped
> during iconification. The benefits are clear -- this would make sure that no
> cycles are wasted drawing updates that are unnecessary. Here is an attempt
> at a patch, adding a few lines to gtk_window_event. Can someone comment
> please? 

GDK is already not sending expose events to windows that are not
viewable (ie. "mapped and all ancestors are mapped"), so widgets in an
unmapped window would never be asked to redraw themselves. See
gdk_window_process_updates_internal() in gdkwindow.c.

(Also the patch would at least need to save the mapped/unmapped state
of the child widget and restore it when the window was mapped again).


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