Auto completion patch for search in GtkTreeView


The find as you type search functionality in the GtkTreeView which came in GTK 2.6 is really cool in my opinion, because it saves a lot of typing or scrolling.

When I was editing nautilus with gedit I noticed I still had to type a lot because a lot of files have the following format nautilus-<some name>.[ch]

I implemented a patch such that you need even less typing. If there are no other viable options for the characters you typed it will try to complete the text as far as possible. E.g. if you have a directory which contains a lot of files with start with nautilus- the search entry will complete automatically to nautilus- as soon as you type an n and if ther e are no other files which start with an n.

The behaviour is very similar to the Nautilus Location Entry (Ctrl + L)
Actually most of the code comes from there.

The patch is located here

The patch still needs some work, but I would appreciate feedback on how it should work. Main issue I have is how to handle case sensitivity. The standard find as you type feature is case insensitive, which is fine but if you do completion you might get funny completions with mixed cases.


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