Re: RFC: Graphing widgets for GTK+

On 6/29/07, Kieran Clancy <clancy kieran+gnome gmail com> wrote:
I'll have a look at the gtkplot API, it may give a good structure for
starting this. This project will probably use cairo directly instead
of using a canvas widget.
Your call, of course, but I would consider using a canvas widget.

If you make a canvas object for a data series (ie. the single object
would draw all 1000 points in a series) you can avoid having to build
huge canvas object sets.

Plus using the canvas framework will make interactivity easy (or
easier), since it already has a nice framework for handling
selections, dragging, optimising updates, and so on.

Finally your users will thank you for not reinventing a lot of the
canvas API and forcing them to learn it.

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