Re: Moving to GtkBox (Re: Minutes of the GTK+ Team Meeting - 2008-09-23)

On Fri, 26 Sep 2008, Peter Clifton wrote:

On Fri, 2008-09-26 at 11:44 +0200, Tim Janik wrote:

- Change additional defaults as needed, e.g.:
   gtk_box_init (GtkBox *self)
     gboolean compat_type =
       g_type_is_named (G_OBJECT_TYPE (box), "GtkHBox") ||
       g_type_is_named (G_OBJECT_TYPE (box), "GtkVBox");
     if (!compat_type)
       gtk_widget_show (self); // GtkBox defaults to ::visible=TRUE

Why not store the defaults as class struct memebers. GtkBox can
initialise the class members to the new defaults, then the shallow
compat subclasses can override them.

Because it adds complexity and memory overhead without any neccessity.

This avoids the string compare for each operation where multiple
defaults exist. (I assume from the  is necessary with the type lookup).

There is no need to avoid a string lookup here, widget packing is hardly
time critical (i.e. it totally pales compared to e.g. the time spent on
realizing, size requesting or size allocating widgets).

It also avoids leaving any trace of the names GtkHBox / GtkVBox in GTK.
It seems kindof silly remove the TINY API for using these old classes,
but have to retain lots of:

if (detect_old_class_names) {

Since the legacy is still there! Plus the code would presumably run much
faster if you could just do GTK_IS_HBOX() rather than look up the name
by string.

As i said above, there is no need at all for micro speed optimization
in these code paths. And using GTK_IS_HBOX() adds a type registration
dependency, which prevents things like moving GtkHBox/GtkVBox into a
different lib like libgtk3compat.

Peter Clifton


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