Re: Native/Extended layout

2009/12/14 Johannes Schmid <jhs jsschmid de>:
> Hi everybody!
> You potentially know that GTK+ has some issues when it comes to
> correctly assign space to widgets if the widgets don't have a fixed
> size. In 2007, Mathias Hasselmann worked on this issues in a summer of
> code project (see the extended-layout branch).
> You will find the original discussion here:
> And for the more recent ideas here:
> I finally created the "native-layout" branch that sums up the patches of
> the second bug report. The original "extended-layout" branch is so far
> behind recent development that merging is ends up in a rewrite more or
> less and Behdad/Havoc expressed that they don't like the implementation
> used.

Hello Johannes,

thank you for your work on this.
I've also update the roadmap with all the new info [1]. Feel free to
improve it if you want ;)


Javier Jardón Cabezas

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