2009-December Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
Old Windows-specific bug in GOption,
Undo stack for GTK+ (was: Re: undo in textview),
Holger Berndt
TreeView: set_fixed_height_mode v TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED,
Dr. David Alan Gilbert
gtk installation- help reqd,
keerthi b s
[gobject-introspection] coredump when building GObject-2.0.typelib,
Halton Huo
GTK+ 2.19.2 released,
Matthias Clasen
Re: Pango CoreText/ATSUI (was:Intricate changes to Quartz/OSX backend),
Paul Davis
GLib 2.23.1 released,
Matthias Clasen
On adding an extension point to GIO for setting file info attributes,
Adam Plumb
Compile error glib2,
Perry Couprie
Native/Extended layout,
Johannes Schmid
Call for Talks - FOSDEM 2010 (GNOME devroom),
Christophe Fergeau
'Suspect' libglib-2.0 when launching Ardour2.8.4,
G. GuitarLord
- Re: 'Suspect' libglib-2.0 when launching Ardour2.8.4,
Paul Davis
- RE: 'Suspect' libglib-2.0 when launching Ardour2.8.4,
G. GuitarLord
- Re: 'Suspect' libglib-2.0 when launching Ardour2.8.4,
Paul Davis
- RE: 'Suspect' libglib-2.0 when launching Ardour2.8.4,
G. GuitarLord
- RE: 'Suspect' libglib-2.0 when launching Ardour2.8.4,
G. GuitarLord
- Re: 'Suspect' libglib-2.0 when launching Ardour2.8.4,
- RE: 'Suspect' libglib-2.0 when launching Ardour2.8.4,
G. GuitarLord
- RE: 'Suspect' libglib-2.0 when launching Ardour2.8.4,
G. GuitarLord
- Re: 'Suspect' libglib-2.0 when launching Ardour2.8.4,
Paul Davis
- RE: 'Suspect' libglib-2.0 when launching Ardour2.8.4,
G. GuitarLord
- Re: 'Suspect' libglib-2.0 when launching Ardour2.8.4,
John Ralls
- Re: 'Suspect' libglib-2.0 when launching Ardour2.8.4,
Paul Davis
- Re: 'Suspect' libglib-2.0 when launching Ardour2.8.4,
John Ralls
- RE: 'Suspect' libglib-2.0 when launching Ardour2.8.4,
G. GuitarLord
updated introspection big-picture,
Colin Walters
Incorrect scroll when pasting in multiple views,
Emmanuel Briot
Re: Re: Re: gdk_draw_layout seems that it doesn't make damage event for offscreens.,
Bo-Ram Park
subclassing GtkTreeModelFilter,
Danielle Madeley
GTK+ 2.18.5 released,
Matthias Clasen
Reviewing GVariant, part II,
Matthias Clasen
gdk_draw_layout seems that it doesn't make damage event for offscreens.,
[introspection] GArrays, GPtrArrays, etc,
Iain Nicol
Re: Embedding the VTE Virtual Terminal,
Emmanuel Rodriguez
GObject Introspection Support and Gnome 3.0,
Daniel Espinosa
[no subject],
Shawn Bakhtiar
GLib 2.22.3 released,
Matthias Clasen
GTK+ 2.18.4 released,
Matthias Clasen
Re: Proposal: Enable threads by default,
Alexander Larsson
Gtk Critical Error While Using Cairo and Pango.,
Ajay Balar
GtjComboBox question,
Re: A few comments on GVariant,
Ryan Lortie
GTK+ 2.19.1 released,
Matthias Clasen
Mail converted by MHonArc