Hi all, I've realized that print preview doesn't work as I thought, and I'm bit confused. An application open the print dialog by using GtkPrintOperation, then the user clicks on preview and a pdf file is generated to be used by a previewer. Such a file is passed to evince together with the print settings needed to print the file. The print dialog is closed, so we need to be able to print the document from the previewer. The problem is that the generated file doesn't take into account the print settings, so that, for example, if I select to print only a range of pages, the whole document is displayed in the previewer. I guess this is because the whole document is sent to the printer and the cups backend tells the printer what pages should be printed based on print settings. This is confusing, since I expect to see in the previewer the options I selected in the print dialog (page ranges, multiple pages per sheet, and so on). There's another issue. The previewer only knows the generated pdf file and the print settings, so in order to print the document it creates a GtkPrintJob to send the pdf document to the printer. This only works for the cups backend, for the file backend all print settings will be ignored, because they are handled in GtkPrintOperation, not in the backend. Print -> Preview -> Print should always produce the same output than just Print. How should this work? how does it work in macosx and win32? -- Carlos Garcia Campos elkalmail yahoo es carlosgc gnome org http://carlosgc.linups.org PGP key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x523E6462
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