Re: disabling GTK+ features to shrink GTK+

2010/6/14 Sam Thursfield <ssssam gmail com>:
> A more socially-minded approach would be to work on the problem of
> sharing a GTK+ runtime between all apps on a system. It's perhaps not
> an easy problem, due different requirements in versions and specific
> libraries, but it's a more long-term solution to the problem of GTK+'s
> big runtime than for each app using GTK+ on Windows to build and
> distribute their own incompatible versions.

That is just not how you ship stuff on Windows unfortunately, there is
no apt/zypper/yum like thing for Windows (though MS seems to be
working on that apparently).

tml and myself went through this problem again and again, even if
GTK+'s API is stable, guaranteeing GTK+'s ABI on Windows is just
impossible for several reasons, a common GTK+ runtime is just not the
way to go. Easing the bundling process of Gtk+ into a windows
app/installer, and reducing the amount of dependencies is the way to

> Sam
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Un saludo,
Alberto Ruiz

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