Windows port of PyGObject Introspection/GSoC

(Sorry for cross-posting, I really didn't know which ML was most
appropriate; sorry TumaGonx and Helge for CC'ing this twice, I
had to subscribe to these mailing lists first.)

I've noticed there's been some unofficial work on PyGObject
Introspection for Windows lately by TumaGonx [1] and Helge Herz [2],
which I think is great. Any chance upstream is going to collaborate with
them in order to turn this into something official?

One oppurtunity to do this would be this year's Google Summer of Code,
especially if one of the people involved is a student who wants to earn
some money for this kind of work ;-) Where would be the appropriate
place to suggest such an idea for GSoC?

Kind regards
PS: Please CC!


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