Re: Missing #include from glib/gwin32.c ?

On 16/10/2015 15:21, Victor Aurélio Santos wrote:
Apparently at ntdef.h, try that I didn't tested.

Hi Victor and thanks for the quick reply.

I think ntdef.h might be MinGW specific (I can't find it in MSVC) but after a bit of experimenting I found 4 other header files which fix the problem (if I #include any of them). The 2 most promising are probably:-
        #include <wincred.h>  -  or
        #include <winternl.h>

and these two also work:-

        #include <ntsecapi.h>  -  or
        #include <subauth.h>

Conversely of course, it's possible that some of those might be MSVC specific and not applicable to MinGW! Maybe Chun-wei Fan will be able to help us if he's around later. Thanks again.

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