Re: [gtk-list] Re: Drag and Drop and my patch writes:

> Please consider that when the user drags, I don't have to save cpu
> cycles - at this moment, the user doesn't expect the drag operation
> to finish as fast as possible, it only has to finish at the moment
> he decides to.  Meanwhile he will gladly give me 95% of his cpu.
> (and dragged pixmaps need much less cpu)

Unless the machine has several users logged in remotely doing
compiles, or even if the local user has several other tasks running
and just doesn't want to bog down a slow machine every time they drag
something.  Note that I don't know that this DnD stuff would be that
much overhead, but I'm just providing a counterpoint to the
"single-user -- doesn't care about resource utilization" position.

IMO, this option, like the OpaqueMoveSize option in fvwm (i.e. live
dragging), should be a configurable item.

Rob Browning <>
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