[gtkmm] gtkmm 2.4 questions


I'm playing a little bit with the newest gtkmm and gtk+ 2.4 and have some questions:

- The ToolBar no longer have an STL style list to manipulate the entries?
  There is now no way to remove an item from an ToolBar?

- Is it now correct behaviour that middle and right mouse button clicks
  are not passed to the Cellrenderer any longer (activate_vfunc only
  receive left mouse button clicks. This also happen under gtkmm 2.2 with
  gtk+ 2.4 so it's maybe an gtk+ issue.

Btw. on the gtkmm.org website the documentation link for 'Menus and Toolbars' is wrong.

Also after compiling and installing gtkmm I found some classG*.html files from the gtkmm distribution documentation in the parent directory of the gtkmm build directory.

Btw. a gtkmm 2.2 -> gtkmm 2.4 migration guide would be nice too. I needed some time until I figured out that my own Cellrenders don't worked anymore due to some small changes in the virtual method types (get_size_vfunc and render_vfunc).


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